HFC rocked Roppongi
On 4th December 2024, the Hedge Funds Club rounded off a busy and terrific year with a smashing year-end evening reception at the Roppongi Hills Club in Tokyo.
Hedge funds, alternative investment funds, family offices, gatekeepers and investors from Japan and beyond joined Hedge Funds Club founder Stefan Nilsson for a relaxed evening to celebrate an interesting year.

Distinguished guests caught up with friends, made new connections and shared plenty of smiles, laughter and stories over drinks and delicious food. The year-end social evening reminded us that our industry is about people, not just numbers. This industry is built upon the combination of smart minds and friendly smiles.

A massive clap-your-hands-say-yeah to all the great people who attended and especially to our event sponsors OSE-Japan Exchange Group, Cboe, Ogier, 26 Degrees Global Markets, Financial Recovery Technologies, IG Prime, Finalto, aiQ and ISI Markets.
As a small token of our appreciation, our loyal attendees walked away from the event with limited edition Roppongi Rocks socks as a Christmas present.
In 2025, we will celebrate two decades of the Hedge Funds Club. We will kick off the 2025 event calendar with a special luncheon discussion in Tokyo on alternative data in January followed by great networking evenings in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Australia throughout the year. Join the fun by contacting us.